Selasa, 30 November 2010
Day 5-6
After learning so much about tigers from a global level, understanding situations that are happening in other Tiger Range Country, we hold a plenary session about tiger conservation – problems and solutions in tiger habitats, and engagement of youths in tiger conservation.
(Presentasi national project)
We had a group discussion session, where each country presents their youth action plan, while others give comments to improve it.
Rabu, 24 November 2010
Day 3-4 (Field Trips)
20-21 November
We went on field trips to see the Conservation of Siberian tiger and its habitat in the Russian Far East. There were two different field trips, so we were divided into 2 groups and take turn to go to those places.
We went to Kedrovaya Pad state nature reserve to WWF visitors’ center Land of Leopard (Barabash Village). We tracked the Ecological trail and saw the camera traps, how it works, and how it helps researchers to know the Siberian Tigers and Siberian Leopards population, preys, home range, etc. We also saw tracks of Leopard and Sika deer on the snow.
Minggu, 21 November 2010
Peresmian dimulainya Youth Tiger Summit (YTS) diadakan di Universitas Ekonomi di Vladivostok yang dihadiri oleh Gubernur Primors
by WWF-Indonesia on Sunday, 21 November 2010 at 19:26
Peresmian dimulainya Youth Tiger Summit (YTS) diadakan di Universitas Ekonomi di Vladivostok yang dihadiri oleh Gubernur Primorsky Krai dan CEO WWF Russia Igor Chestin. Setelah YTS dibuka secara resmi, rombongan delegasi dibawa ke pelabuhan Vladivostok. Di tengah udara dingin minus 10 dan di pinggir pantai pula, diadakan acara “Tiger Trail”. “Tiger Trail” adalah acara peletakan batu atau tegel atau ubin di pelataran dekat pelabuhan Vladivostok yang juga area wisata lokal. Kalau dibayangkan, ini persis seperti peletakan ubin ‘hall of fame’ nya Hollywood. Cuma di ubinnya kali ini ditulis nama-nama 13 negara habitat harimau. Duh jadi terharu dan bangga… teman-teman bisa lihat bentuk ubinnya di foto.
Sabtu, 20 November 2010
DAY 2 - Youth Tiger Summit
November 19 2010
Copyright : (Youth Tiger Summit delegates)
We had a tight schedule today. Our day begin with the Gala opening ceremony at the Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service. It was opened by speeches from Governor of Primorsky Province, S. M. Dar'kin; the Consul General of India in Vladivostok; the Consul General of Vietnam in Vladivostok; Igor Chestin, WWF - Russia's CEO. We were really surprised and happy since we got respond and support from the local society, other conservation activist and mass media.
Kamis, 18 November 2010
DAY 1 - Youth Tiger Summit
Vladivostok, Russia.
We had a nice bumpy flight form Jakarta-Incheon-Vladivostok for almost 12 hours. But all of it payed off, once we arrived here.
Weather here, isn't so bad; a bit snow here and there, and nice sunshine during the day.
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