Rabu, 24 November 2010

Day 3-4 (Field Trips)

20-21 November
We went on field trips to see the Conservation of Siberian tiger and its habitat in the Russian Far East. There were two different field trips, so we were divided into 2 groups and take turn to go to those places.

We went to Kedrovaya Pad state nature reserve to WWF visitors’ center Land of Leopard (Barabash Village). We tracked the Ecological trail and saw the camera traps, how it works, and how it helps researchers to know the Siberian Tigers and Siberian Leopards population, preys, home range, etc. We also saw tracks of Leopard and Sika deer on the snow.

There was a highway located near the nature reserve that divided the animals’ habitat. This causes accidents when the animal needs to cross this road. Once there was a female tiger that was killed in this road; now, they’re planning to build a tunnel, so the animals won’t be disturbed.

The next day we went to Orlinoe Model hunting.

In this place, they made a feeding station for wild ungulates, boars, etc – tiger prey. We passed the winter census route, where we find the remaining of a boar that has been eaten by a tiger, one week ago. The high quantity of prey, guarantees the tigers’ survival in the wild.

It was so exciting to see the Siberian Tiger habitat; they belong in the wild, as an important part of the ecosystem.

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