Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

WWF - You can help save the tiger!

You can help too

No matter where you live, no matter how small your actions are, we ALL have a part to play in saving the tiger – and our planet as a whole.
Here are some simple things you can do to help ensure our children and grandchildren live in a world where tigers still roam freely in the wild.

WWF - You can help save the tiger!

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Perjalanan duta harimau dunia pada "Tiger Youth Summit"

Sebuah Catatan Youth Tiger Summit oleh Dyah Ekarini

Youth Tiger Summit 2010, dibuka secara resmi pada tanggal 19 November 2010 dalam sebuah inaugurasi yang diselenggarakan di Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service. Delegasi Tiger Ambassador dari 14 Negara kawasan habitat harimau dunia yang hampir semuanya mahasiswa berkumpul dan berkesempatan untuk bertemu mahasiswa-mahasiswa dan pemerhati lingkungan muda dari kota-kota di sekitar Vladivostok, yaitu Partizansk, Volno-Nadezhinsk. Inaugurasi tersebut diisi dengan sambutan dari Igor Chestin - Direktur Eksekutif WWF-Rusia, Wakil Gubernur Primorsky Viktor Myasnik, dan Konsulat Jenderal India dan Vietnam.

Youth Tiger Summit 2010 resmi dibuka di Vladivostok

Oleh: Dyah Eka Rini

© WWF-Indonesia 
Setelah ubin terpasang,
rasanya bangga sekali harimau Indonesia
 terpatri di Vladivostok
Pada tanggal 19 November 2010 lalu,International Youth Tiger Forum (Youth Tiger Summit) resmi dibuka oleh Gubernur Provinsi Primorsky, Russia. Upacara pembukaan Youth Tiger Summit yang diadakan di State University of Economy & Service, Vladivostok ini juga dihadiri oleh konsulat jendral beberapa negara seperti India dan Vietnam, juga Direktur Eksekutif WWF-Russia, Igor Chestin.
Masyarakat kota Vladivostok ikut menyambut meriah para delegasi Youth Tiger Summitdibuktikan dengan menyediakan "prasasti" di Pelabuhan Vladivostok untuk seluruh negara kawasan harimau. Setiap negara - termasuk Indonesia - mendapatkan 1 prasasti di lantai pelabuhan, mirip seperti "Hall of Fame" – nya Hollywood.

Selasa, 30 November 2010

Liputan Televisi Lokal di Russia tentang Youth Tiger Summit

Day 5-6

After learning so much about tigers from a global level, understanding situations that are happening in other Tiger Range Country, we hold a plenary session about tiger conservation – problems and solutions in tiger habitats, and engagement of youths in tiger conservation.

(Presentasi national project)

We had a group discussion session, where each country presents their youth action plan, while others give comments to improve it.

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Day 3-4 (Field Trips)

20-21 November
We went on field trips to see the Conservation of Siberian tiger and its habitat in the Russian Far East. There were two different field trips, so we were divided into 2 groups and take turn to go to those places.

We went to Kedrovaya Pad state nature reserve to WWF visitors’ center Land of Leopard (Barabash Village). We tracked the Ecological trail and saw the camera traps, how it works, and how it helps researchers to know the Siberian Tigers and Siberian Leopards population, preys, home range, etc. We also saw tracks of Leopard and Sika deer on the snow.

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Peresmian dimulainya Youth Tiger Summit (YTS) diadakan di Universitas Ekonomi di Vladivostok yang dihadiri oleh Gubernur Primors

by WWF-Indonesia on Sunday, 21 November 2010 at 19:26

Peresmian dimulainya Youth Tiger Summit (YTS) diadakan di Universitas Ekonomi di Vladivostok yang dihadiri oleh Gubernur Primorsky Krai dan CEO WWF Russia Igor Chestin. Setelah YTS dibuka secara resmi, rombongan delegasi dibawa ke pelabuhan Vladivostok. Di tengah udara dingin minus 10 dan di pinggir pantai pula, diadakan acara “Tiger Trail”. “Tiger Trail” adalah acara peletakan batu atau tegel atau ubin di pelataran dekat pelabuhan Vladivostok yang juga area wisata lokal. Kalau dibayangkan, ini persis seperti peletakan ubin ‘hall of fame’ nya Hollywood. Cuma di ubinnya kali ini ditulis nama-nama 13 negara habitat harimau. Duh jadi terharu dan bangga… teman-teman bisa lihat bentuk ubinnya di foto.

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

DAY 2 - Youth Tiger Summit

November 19 2010
Copyright : wwf.or.id (Youth Tiger Summit delegates)

We had a tight schedule today. Our day begin with the Gala opening ceremony at the Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service. It was opened by speeches from Governor of Primorsky Province, S. M. Dar'kin; the Consul General of India in Vladivostok; the Consul General of Vietnam in Vladivostok; Igor Chestin, WWF - Russia's CEO. We were really surprised and happy since we got respond and support from the local society, other conservation activist and mass media.

Kamis, 18 November 2010

DAY 1 - Youth Tiger Summit

Youth Tiger Summit, has started! From November 18-24, 2010. Delegates from 14 country has all arrived at Sedanka Health Hotel,
Vladivostok, Russia.

We had a nice bumpy flight form Jakarta-Incheon-Vladivostok for almost 12 hours. But all of it payed off, once we arrived here.

Weather here, isn't so bad; a bit snow here and there, and nice sunshine during the day.

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Seekor harimau Sumatera mati terjerat di Riau

Riau (08/10)-Seekor harimau Sumatera dewasa mati setelah masuk dalam perangkap yang dipasang masyarakat pada Kamis (30/09) di Desa Tanjung Leban, Kecamatan Sepahat, Kabupaten Bengkalis. Lokasi kejadian tepatnya berada di konsesi PT. Sakato Pratama Makmur (Sinar Mas group) yang masuk dalam zona penyangga Cagar Biosfer Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu, Riau.

Harimau dengan panjang sekitar 1,5 meter tersebut mati setelah beberapa jam berada dalam perangkap yang dibuat masyarakat tersebut dibawah pengawasan BBKSDA- Riau (Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam) dan YPHS (Yayasan Pelestarian Harimau Sumatera).

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Camera catches bulldozer destroying Sumatra tiger forest

Jakarta, Indonesia — A video camera trap installed by WWF and partners has captured footage linking the destruction of a crucial Sumatran tiger forest to the expansion of palm oil plantations in Indonesia’s Riau Province.

Videos and photos captured in May and June 2010 – released to the public for the first time today – caught a male Sumatran tiger walking straight to a camera and sniffing it.

Jumat, 17 September 2010

The Tiger Roar Campaign

Untuk mendukung kampanye global “Year of Tiger 2010” yang berlangsung hingga Februari 2011, WWF telah meluncurkan kampanye onlineuntuk upaya penyelamatan harimau di dunia bertajuk “Tiger roar campaign.” Setiap staf WWF di seluruh dunia dan publik digerakkan untuk menyuarakan kepedulian mereka terhadap harimau dengan cara “mengaum.”

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Tiger 'Papercraft'

Video ini dibuat oleh Lely Puspitasari, salah Tiger Ambassador WWF, yang akan mengikuti Youth Tiger Summit di Russia dalam waktu dekat. Lely Puspitasari, membuat video ini saat maju ke babak final pemilihan Tiger Ambassador WWF pada bulan Juli 2010 lalu.

Police detain members of illegal tiger trading syndicate on Sumatra Island, Indonesia

On Saturday, June 17, 2010 a police unit detained two people involved in an illegal trading syndicate focused on the Sumatran tiger in Pekanbaru, Riau Province of Sumatra, Indonesia.

Yoga Rusdiansyah (26) and Hidayat Saldi (45) are under investigation after Yoga was caught in possession of six decapitated tiger heads, five tiger pelts and seven kilograms of tiger bones. The tiger body parts were set to be exported to Malaysia.

According to Sapta Marpaung from the Pekanbaru Police Department, Yoga has become the main suspect after being caught in possession of the evidence, while Hidayat’s role is still under further investigation. The tiger body parts were sent from the Northern Sumatran city of Medan. Yoga was to hand over the package to a middleman for cleaning of the parts and shipping to Malaysia. The whereabouts of the middleman are currently unknown.

WINNERS OF WWF TIGER AMBASSADORS to Represent Indonesia to Youth Tiger Summit in Vladivostok, Russia.

From the 6th finalists, the board of judges has decided to choose Amalia Anindia (20 years old) and Lely Puspitasari (20 years old) as WWF Tiger Ambassadors and they will represent Indonesia at Youth Tiger Summit 2010, Vladivostok, Russia Far East.
Amalia Anindia and Lely Puspitasari are chosen based on their high creativities and ideas, public speaking skills, organizational and networking skills, fluent in English and good substantial knowledge. WWF-Indonesia CONGRATS both winners and read their short biographies below:

Lely Puspitasari was born in Ponorogo, East Java, on August 20, 1990. She participated in several English speech competitions such as speech competition held by University of Malang. She also joined AFS Intercultural Program in Malang, East Java. Currently, Lely is registered as undergraduate student at Forestry Faculty of Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, majoring in forestry product technology. Although forestry science is her focus of study, Lely also has skills to produce video and is interested with online media development. Lely hopes that becoming WWF Tiger Ambassador can open many opportunities for her adding up her knowledge and networks to campaigning about Sumatran tiger conservation amongst youngsters– as she added, “in creative and fun ways, of course!” In her final presentation, she submitted two videos she made herself titled: "Save Tiger" and "Tiger Paper Craft"

Amalia Anindia was born in Jakarta on March 7th, 1990. Currently, Amalia is a student of Forestry Faculty of Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, majoring in Forest Resource Conservation. Since her teenage, she’s been actively participated in national and international youth conferences and now she joins a forestry student association in her college. She was invited to be an observer in UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ) COP 15 at Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009. Her public speaking skill and endless admiration on biodiversity and environment become Amalia’s main asset as WWF Tiger Ambassador to start campaigning about Sumatran tiger and its habitat conservation with WWF-Indonesia. Amalia also submitted a short video in her final presentation titled: "Lost of The Tigers"

Youth Tiger Summit

The main goal of the Summit is to develop a Youth Declaration on tiger conservation, which will be presentated to the Heads of Government Tiger Summit, via video-conference between Vladivostok and St. Petersburg on November 2010.

The International Youth Tiger Summit – is another attempt to draw people's attention to the importance of conservation of the Amur tiger and other rare species, as well as to convey to all the idea that in order to save our planet everyone must help.
The young professionals attending the Youth Summit as delegates, will be in Vladivostok in the end of November. They will visit the tiger habitat and tiger trails, get first-hand information on the state of the wild population and the necessary measures for its conservation.